Analysis of Coronavirus in Uruguay


The aim of this project is to showcase the current and historical trend in Coronavirus infections in Uruguay, and compare them to the regional trends.
Live demo:

Coronavirus in Uruguay

Table of Contents

  1. Files Description
  2. Technologies Used
  3. Data Sources
  4. Data Model

1. Files Description

2. Technologies Used:

3. Data Sources:

4. Data Model:

Tables and fields

Field Name Data Type Description Source
Date (bins) date Aggregated cases dates grouped by weekly bins JHU CSSE
Dates Reformatted date Aggregated cases dates with format changed from English to Spanish JHU CSSE
Max Date date Calculated measure to create the week over week animation in the scatter plot JHU CSSE
Field Name Data Type Description Source
Argentina integer Aggregated cases in Argentina JHU CSSE
Brazil integer Aggregated cases in Brazil JHU CSSE
Chile integer Aggregated cases in Chile JHU CSSE
Date date Date of aggregated cases JHU CSSE
Dates Reformatted date Dates of aggregated cases with format changed from English to Spanish JHU CSSE
Index integer Table Index -
NewCasesUY integer Calculated column with the new daily cases in Uruguay -
Original Date date Original date of aggregated cases JHU CSSE
Paraguay integer Aggregated cases in Paraguay JHU CSSE
PrevObjUY integer Calculated column with the aggregated cases value from the previous date for Uruguay -
Uruguay integer Aggregated cases in Uruguay JHU CSSE
CasesPopAR integer Calculated measure of total cases per 10.000 population in Argentina -
CasesPopBR integer Calculated measure of total cases per 10.000 population in Brazil -
CasesPopCH integer Calculated measure of total cases per 10.000 population in Chile -
CasesPopPY integer Calculated measure of total cases per 10.000 population in Paraguay -
CasesPopUY integer Calculated measure of total cases per 10.000 population in Uruguay -
Field Name Data Type Description Source
Argentina integer Aggregated deaths in Argentina JHU CSSE
Brazil integer Aggregated deaths in Brazil JHU CSSE
Chile integer Aggregated deaths in Chile JHU CSSE
Dates Reformatted date Dates of aggregated deaths with format changed from English to Spanish JHU CSSE
DeathsUY integer Calculated column with the new daily deaths in Uruguay -
Index integer Table Index -
Paraguay integer Aggregated deaths in Paraguay JHU CSSE
PrevObjAR integer Calculated column with the aggregated deaths value from the previous date for Argentina -
PrevObjBR integer Calculated column with the aggregated deaths value from the previous date for Brazil -
PrevObjCH integer Calculated column with the aggregated deaths value from the previous date for Chile -
PrevObjPY integer Calculated column with the aggregated deaths value from the previous date for Paraguay -
PrevObjUY integer Calculated column with the aggregated deaths value from the previous date for Uruguay -
Uruguay integer Aggregated deaths in Uruguay JHU CSSE
DeatsPopAR integer Calculated measure of total deaths per 10.000 population in Argentina -
DeatsPopBR integer Calculated measure of total deaths per 10.000 population in Brazil -
DeatsPopCH integer Calculated measure of total deaths per 10.000 population in Chile -
DeatsPopPY integer Calculated measure of total deaths per 10.000 population in Paraguay -
DeatsPopUY integer Calculated measure of total deaths per 10.000 population in Uruguay -
Field Name Data Type Description Source
Dates Reformatted date Dates of aggregated recovered with format changed from English to Spanish JHU CSSE
Index integer Table Index -
Original Date date Original date of aggregated recovered JHU CSSE
PrevObjRecUY integer Calculated column with the aggregated recovered value from the previous date for Uruguay -
RecoveredUY integer Calculated column with the new daily recovered in Uruguay -
Uruguay integer Aggregated recovered in Uruguay JHU CSSE
Field Name Data Type Description Source
Country string Country OWID
Date date Dates of total tests OWID
Population integer Total population of the country WHO
Tests integer Total tests in the country OWID
Tests (per 10 000 population) integer Calculated column with the total tests per 10.000 population in the country -
Field Name Data Type Description Source
Country string Country WHO
Hospital Beds (per 10.000 population) integer Total hospital beds per 10.000 population in the country WHO
Medical Doctors (per 10.000 population) integer Total medical doctors per 10.000 population in the country WHO
Nurses (per 10.000 population) integer Total nurses per 10.000 population in the country WHO
Population integer Total population of the country WHO
Field Name Data Type Description Source
Cases integer Aggregated cases JHU CSSE
Country string Country JHU CSSE
Dates Reformatted date Aggregated cases and deaths dates with format changed from English to Spanish JHU CSSE
Deaths integer Aggregated deaths JHU CSSE
Index integer Table Index -
Field Name Data Type Description Source
DeathRateUY decimal Calculated measure with the rate of total deaths per total cases in Uruguay -
RecoveredRateUY decimal Calculated measure with the rate of total recovered per total cases in Uruguay -
Refresh Date date Latest date of data refresh -